[Need A/C Unit] (Ft Leonard Wood based) OH-58A #71-20644 A/C crashed when it struck powerlines 60' above the Cimarron River, 6 mi W of Perkins while on a training flight from Guthrie to Tulsa. After hitting the powerline, A/C traveled 344' and came to rest inverted on a sand...
General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital. Reynolds Army Community Hospital. Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital. Privacy and Security Notice. Disclaimer: Web Site Medical Information Posting Restrictions. militaryhomeexpert.com At Home With Christy http://www.militaryhomeexpert.com/atj/user/Links...
SSG Leonard A. Dorociak Korea D/2/2 AVN UH-60 [Need Tail#] Suffered fatal head wound while A/C was being moved out of hangar. 15 AUG 95 CW3 Michael R. Baker [P] CW2 Donald J. Cunningham [P] SGT Robert A. Rogers [CE] SPC Dale L. Wood [C] Cyprus C/7-158 AVN UH-60A...