A typical day is waking up, going to PT, eating, getting dressed, showing up to formation (roll-call), walking off to your work or training stations, and work hard until COB. I learned about personal responsibility and integrity. Management is effective. Hardest part of it all is staying...
The ONLY solution to join the French Foreign Legion is to go to mainland France (in EUROPE) and knock on the door of one of the Foreign Legion recruiting centers (once you are in, free accommodation, food and clothing are immediately provided by the Legion). You will be enlisted as a s...
track and destroy. But a recent Army simulation of a Bradley, versus its predecessor, dashing across open terrain typically found in Western Europe concludes otherwise. The Bradley showed a higher probability of being hit, slower acceleration and a frequent inability to cross terrain under both wet...
标签:army,assemble,assembly,王译敏,lines,parade,people,poetry,recruits,soldiers,troups,Wang Yimin,新世纪詩典 发表在1970s,1975,1980s,1990s,2000s,2010s,2020s,2023,20th century,21st century,August 2023,Middle Ages,NPC,poetry,Translations,新世纪诗典|Leave a Comment » HE WAS SPECIAL POLICE IN X...