James T. Schroeder.Ethics and Values in the Army Today.US Military Academy Senior Conference. 1996Schroeder, J. T. (1996). Ethics and values in the army today. Carlisle Barracks PA: U..S Army War College. (DTIC 199650603244). p. 7....
Plant traits The germination rate (ANOVA: df = 1, F = 0.02,p = 0.8819; Fig.2b) and germination percentage (ANOVA: df = 1, F = 0.17,p = 0.7153; Fig.2d) after cold plasma seed treatment showed no significant treatment (cold plasma vs. control) effects. Si...
The ethics of blackening people’s characters and inventing questionable behaviour when they are alive and in no position to defend themselves is another matter. So sadly, this trivial and dishonest Netflix money spinner seems to be yet another nail in the coffin of respect for the past, and ...
Basic Combat Training is a three-phase process: phase 1 (red), phase 2 (white) and phase 3 (blue). During the red phase, recruits arrive for general orientation, get haircuts and receive their uniforms. After some basic tactical training, they learn about biological, chemical and landmine ...
nutritional values and economic importance throughout the globe45. While FAW is considered a major pest in various cereal crops, it has been branded as a minor pest in rice globally46. However, climate change and associated increases in ambient temperature has been well documented to positively im...
(h2 + h4) we consistently find that populations from Florida and Puerto Rico give positive values while those from Texas and South America are negative (Fig.6A)13,32. Our past surveys of FAW from Africa found a predominance ofCOI-h4 in all tested locations and this was generally ...
Ethics approval and informed consent All study techniques were carried out in conformity with pertinent institutional, national, and international guidelines. This study is a community trial that was registered with the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry. The registry’s unique identification number is ...
John W Brinsfield.Army Values and Ethics:A Search for Consistency and Relevance. http://www.StrategicStudiesInstitute.army.mil . 1998Brinsfield, John W., Jr. "Army Values and Ethics: A Search for Consistency and Relevance." Parameters, The U.S. Army War College Quarterly, vol. xxviii, ...
Jonathan S. Landay, writer of The Christian Science Monitor
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