Providing the latest on Army Enlisted Promotions, monthly cutoff scores, promotion resources, DA Forms, Army counseling examples, and other important NCO updates!
Personnel data record equivalent of the Army Enlisted Record Brief (ERB). Official Military Personnel File. As a minimum, this file contains your enlistment andreenlistment documents, awards, evaluations, training certificates, and promotion orders. If your personnel records are not on microfiche, the...
Step 1 Print a copy of your Enlisted Record Brief (ERB). This can be done by accessing your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) through the Human Resources Command iPERMS website, or you can pay a visit to your S1 to ask for a copy. Your ERB is a snapshot of all your military...
Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) Discover insights into your Army career through a clearer understanding of your ERB! Latest MILPER Messages See the latest Military Personnel (MILPER) messages that are most relevant for your promotion and career journey!