1. Description: A bronze octagonal medal, 1 1/2 inches in diameter, with one angle at the top centered. On the obverse is a design consisting of the elements of the Department of the Army (DA) plaque and the date "1775" at the bottom. On the reverse, in three lines, are the word...
The kind of punishment imposed, its degree/ severity and the duration vary depending on several factors. Confinement on reduced rations, extra duty, pay forfeitures, correctional custody, pay detention and grade reduction may be meted out as non- judicial punishment if the commanding officer is s...
|Army Training Regulation|Gcode Operator Belt|Cobra Duty Belt| **Durable Construction and Versatile Use** The VULPO Hunting Tactical Padded Belt is a versatile piece of gear designed for the most demanding outdoor activities. Crafted from a robust matte cloth/nylon blend, this belt is not only...
You can gauge the training/experience required by a prerequisite by first reviewing the WO MOS duty description. If you have been doing work similar to what's described in the WO MOS duty description, then you probably have good justification for requesting a waiver. Approval is granted only i...
Basic Pay: Active Duty Soldiers. Drill Pay: Army Reserve Soldiers. Special Pay: For Special Duties and Skills. Allowances: Covering the Cost of Living. Bonuses: Earning Extra Money. Get an Army Education. Health Care and Vacation. Http:/ off... armyg1.army.mil Deputy Chief of Staff ...
Visit your battalion, battery, brigade or division's Military Intelligence office (S2). Provide your Social Security number to the soldier on duty and request information on the status of your Army security clearance. Request a copy of your Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) for your records. ...
Colonel Hodges departed Washington for duty with the 17th Infantry, to help suppress the border raids by Pancho Villa and other bandit bands. In 1916, upon his departure for the Hawaiian Department and the 1st Infantry, he was honored by t...
1958 regulations did authorize sergeants who remained on active duty following honorable completion of their conscript service to wear modified officer uniforms. This was designed to increase the prestige of these extended-service soldiers in order to make their retention more likely and consequently ...
-A systematic code used by the U.S. Army to identify Soldiers not-eligible to reenlist. Additionally, the Army will discontinue the use of five Department of Defense (DoD) finance systems which will remain running for other military services. Combined with the Acronym Attic , Acronym Finder ...
Applicability.Thisregulationappliesto theActiveArmy,theArmyNational Guard/ArmyNationalGuardoftheUnited States,andtheU.S.ArmyReserve,unless otherwisestated.Also,itappliestoDe- partmentoftheArmycivilians.During mobilization,theproponentmaymodify policiescontainedinthisregulation. ...