The memorandum noted that it would not abrogate any collective bargaining agreements currently in effect. Still, the American Federation of Government Employees National President Everett Kelley slammed the move, saying the action “is not about making the federal government run ...
Signing the memorandum in the Oval Office, Trump repeated — without evidence — his past assertions that federal diversity programs contributed to a helicopter and a regional jet colliding near Washington, D.C. He said the memorandum can help ensure that “we have very...
According to the government’s sentencing memorandum, Jacobson also had a routine practice of falsifying results for pressure testing that he conducted on behalf of cargo tank owners. Pressure testing is required under law and is intended to make sure that cargo tanks will automatically vent gases ...
“Ashes of soldiers South or North, As I muse retrospective murmuring a chant in thought, The war resumes, again to my sense your shapes, And again the advance of the armies. Noiseless as mists and vapors, From their graves in the trenches ascending, From cemeteries all through Virginia and...
16. The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (William R. Gianelli) signed this memorandum on November 2, 1981, advising the Secretary of the Army that the Chief of Engineers intended to award the Barbers Point contract to Kiewit "as soon as you have been informed." (Plaintiff'...