A Military Occupation Specialty Code (MOS) is a numeric code used to identify a specific Army job comprised of one or more related duties and responsibilities normally requiring special knowledge and skills acquired through training and experience. View or downloanWar Department Technical Manual TM 12...
Does the Army need a contingency contracting MOS for NCOs?Metts, Mel MCastrinos, Nick
MOSNameRank 00B Diver Enlisted 00E Recruiter Enlisted 00H Enlisted Aide Enlisted 00R Recruiter/Retention NCO Enlisted 00Z Command Sergeant Major Nominative Enlisted 01A Officer Generalist Officer 01B Electrical-Electronic Engineering Assistant Enlisted 01B Aviation/Infantry/Armor/Military Intelligence ...
Due to a shortage of applicants for these critical MOS's o... 3 U.S. Army Recruiting Command's Warrant Officer Recruiting Information Site http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/warrant/prerequ/WO120A.shtml Active Guard Reserve Applicants. Check Your Application Status. Enlistment Into The Army. ...
NCOER Part : IIIe: Appointed Duties Include duties appointed that are not normally included in the duty description. For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as Readiness NCO or Training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery...
The National Guard requires commitment. You will have to work on weekends when you would rather be with friends or family. You’ll have to spend three weeks at phase-two of Officer Basic Leadership Course (OBLC)[i.e., basic training-ed],and you’ll have to complete phase-one online co...
MOSNameRank 00B Diver Enlisted 00E Recruiter Enlisted 00H Enlisted Aide Enlisted 00R Recruiter/Retention NCO Enlisted 00Z Command Sergeant Major Nominative Enlisted 01A Officer Generalist Officer 01B Electrical-Electronic Engineering Assistant Enlisted 01B Aviation/Infantry/Armor/Military Intelligence ...