Pay Grade: O1 Second Lieutenant (2LT)Pay Grade: O2 First Lieutenant (1LT)Pay Grade: O3 Captain (CPT) Pay Grade: O4 Major (MAJ)Pay Grade: O5 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)Pay Grade: O6 Colonel (COL) Stars were first used to identifygeneral officerson June 18, 1780 when it was prescribed ...
Addressed as lieutenant colonel or colonel. Typically commands battalion-sized units (300-1,000 soldiers), with a CSM as principal NCO assistant. May be selected for brigade and task force executive officer. Colonel (COL)(O6) Addressed as colonel. Typically commands brigade-sized units (3,000-...
Col. Stephen Phillips, commander of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, stationed out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska, told Army Times that there are “little, hidden manpower challenges” when running a unit in Alaska. “It takes longer to do things, which drives its ...
COL Chamberlain had to think fast. The tactical manuals he had so diligently studied only offered maneuver solutions, unsuitable for the occupied terrain. He had to create a new stock solution—one that his Soldiers could execute now and under pressure. Since the 20th Maine was in a defensive...
Col. Gregory Johnson, chief of the Army’s Functional Management Division, faced this challenge two years ago when he joined the leadership team for the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army, or IPPS-A, a program to integrate the Army’s 200 pay systems and revolutionize the way it manage...
Written in May, 1941 at the Army Navy club after a farewell party for their wives and children by then Col. Brougher promoted to General during the defense of Bataan. [source: Federico Baldassarre] “Despedida.” This place is doomed. Termites boring in; ...