Pay Grade: O1 Second Lieutenant (2LT)Pay Grade: O2 First Lieutenant (1LT)Pay Grade: O3 Captain (CPT) Pay Grade: O4 Major (MAJ)Pay Grade: O5 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)Pay Grade: O6 Colonel (COL) Stars were first used to identifygeneral officerson June 18, 1780 when it was prescribed ...
Addressed as lieutenant colonel or colonel. Typically commands battalion-sized units (300-1,000 soldiers), with a CSM as principal NCO assistant. May be selected for brigade and task force executive officer. Colonel (COL)(O6) Addressed as colonel. Typically commands brigade-sized units (3,000-...
Lt.Col. Lieutenant-Colonel Lt.Gen. Lieutenant-General Maj. Major Maj.Gen. Major-General MPK missing, presumed killed OC Officer Commanding [e.g. of company strength] OCTU Officer Cadet Training Unit Ordn.Offr. Ordnance Officer OTC Officer Training Corps Paym. Paymaster POW prisoner of war pro...
Army Barracks Management Program Annex C Garrison Commander Garrison CSM BDE CSM BDE S-4 Director Public Works BN CSM Chief Housing Division BN S-4 Furnishing Management Office (FMO) Unaccompanied Housing (UH) CO/BTRY/ DET Directorate 1SG Supply SGT/ Unit Rep BDE Area Mgr. Platoon SGT Squad ...
Grade: O1Usually an executive officer to the 1LT in command. Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Grade: O5Usually in command of a Battalion. Battalion Commander (BC). 1ST Lieutenant (1LT) Grade: O2Usually in command of a platoon. Platoon Leader (PL) Colonel (COL) Grade: O6Usually in command of ...
COL Chamberlain had to think fast. The tactical manuals he had so diligently studied only offered maneuver solutions, unsuitable for the occupied terrain. He had to create a new stock solution—one that his Soldiers could execute now and under pressure. Since the 20th Maine was in a defensive...
Van Weelden III will assume command of both units from Col. Michael L. Shenk. Salad Wednesdays Fort Rucker Army and Air Force Exchange Service restaurants are helping Soldiers and their Families eat healthy while saving money with Salad Wednesdays. Ev- ery Wednesday,...