In the fall of 1972 when General Creighton Abrams, who had replaced Westmoreland in Vietnam, was awaiting confirmation as Army Chief of Staff, was told by a general friend, “Your army is on its ass”. As Chief of Staff General Abrams initiated an “Expeditious Discharge Program”, which g...
Image 2 – Letter to Chief of Staff (VIII Corps) from Major Hough Throughout its 11 months of existence, the HOUGHTEAM was able to collect more than 250 tons of material in select cities throughout Germany. One of their more important discoveries was locating the trigonometrical section of ...
FM 6-22 is prepared under the direction of the Army Chief of Staff. It defines leadership, leadership roles and requirements, and how to develop leadership within the Army. It outlines the levels of leadership as direct, organizational, and strategic, and describes how to lead successfully at ...
Inspector General. Conway planned to turn his new office into the field agency of the president of the Board of War, but Washington effectively froze him out of any role within the Main Army.7Gates selected Lafayette in effect to be a French figurehead for the Canadian invasion; he expected ...
MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, General, United States Army, Chief of Staff. Distribution: Active Army: DCSLOG (1) Tech Stf DA (1) except CofOrd (17) Ord Bd (2) USA Arty Bd (3) USA Armor Bd (3) USA Inf Bd (3) USA AD Bd (3) USA Abn & Elct Bd (3) USA Avn Bd (3) USA Arctic ...
Key Points 1 The Four Types of Military Briefings 2 The Four Steps of Military Briefings ARMY BRIEFING TECHNIQUES Be sincere; be brief; be seated. Franklin Delano Roosevelt e P e r s o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t T r a c k Section 1 Army Bri efi ng Techni ques ■ 65...