The same is true for ROTC cadets after graduation, commissioning, and completion of other obligations depending on the officer’s status. “McCarthy builds projects that help strengthen our nation’s infrastructure, provide spaces to educate our next generation of leaders, and keep our communities ...
I recently attended the Filey Festival 2024, a yearly commemoration of the naval battle of Flamborough Head fought off the coast of Filey on 9/23/1779. The dinner held at the Filey Sea Cadets HQ on 9/21/2024 was impressive and featured the following speakers: CDR Michael Sturm, the Nav...
We are still being inspected every morning at the moment. If an Officer Cadet is picked up for having a dirty room, dirty kit or failing to have the right kit and equipment then they are given press ups. Needless to say, some Officer Cadets are making serious gains in the upper body d...
Military Academy at West Point, New York, cadets, staff and the head of a new advisory group highlighted efforts to foster “character growth” among cadets there.Those initiatives have included a focus on racially based incidents, in which cadets shared their experiences, at the fourth annual ...
Cadets began to storm the field before being sent back for another review to see if time had expired. The confirmation from the booth set off another wave of Army fans onto the field. "It definitely would have been nice to have more of a stress-free game. But it speaks to the A...
The U.S. Military Academy atWest Point, New York trains Army officers. Its mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of duty, honor, country; professional growth throughout a career as an...
US Army cadets train with the DSTS system during Cadet Summer Training 2015 at Fort Knox, Ky. According to its manufacturer, Motion Reality of the US, “The VIRTSIM system allows training in a range of re-configurable environments. User-customisable scenarios can be configured within these envir...
Schofield Address to the United States Corps of Cadets, 11 August 1879 4-18. Respect for the individual is the basis for the rule of law—the very essence of what the Nation stands for. In the Army, respect means treating others as they should be treated. This value reiterates that ...
Cadets normally apply for an education delay at the same time and on the same form (FORM 67-9) that they use to submit their choice of a branch selection, usually between the months of May and September before their senior year of college. The Army approves education delays on a case-by...
The game was played a week after the Gazette of Colorado Springs, a stone's throw from the Air Force Academy, published a story about an Army recruiting excursion in January that featured underage drinking and led to minor NCAA infractions and the disciplining of 20 cadets, two officers and...