The Salary The starting salary for this role is around $20,000 per year, which increases as you gain experience. Additionally, the salary increases slightly after training has been completed. It will also increase each time you obtain a higher rank. ...
There are several ways to serve in the US Military, and our team will walk you through different military information if you plan to enlist soon. Discover what you need to do...
Before committing yourself to becoming a Navy helicopter pilot, consider whether your salary as a Navy officer is sufficient for your needs. Military pay is comprised of basic pay, allowances and special pay. Some components, such as basic pay, are based on rank and years of service. Other ...
The U.S. Army Rangers and the Air Force Pararescue team are both elite military units. They can both trace their modern roots to World War II, although units bearing the name of "Rangers" operated as far back as the French and Indian War in the mid-1700s. Despite differences in their ...