To calculate the body fat in the Army, you need to provide tape measurements for your neck, waist, weight, age, and height. For women, they should also add hit size. Once you do that you need to use the body fat formula to convert the figures into body fat percentages. What is the...
Categorical variables including sex, age groups, regions, health scheme, smoking status, history of alcohol consumption and exercise history were presented as percentages. We calculated the person-time of observation for each participant as the duration between the participant's baseline data and ...
Categorical data are presented as percentages. Regarding continuous variables, the mean and standard deviation (SD) are presented in the case of a normal distribution, and the median and interquartile range (IQR) are presented in the case of a nonnormal distribution. Log transformation was ...
The percentages of viral reads obtained in the RNA-Seq study (Table 1) show that the percent of viral reads obtained from gut tissue is only approximately 10% at 48 hpi. By comparison, AcMNPV infection of cultured Tnms42 (T. ni) cells resulted in almost 90% of reads obtained being ...
whiskers extend to observations within ±1.5 times the interquartile range, *p< 0.05, ***p< 0.001. Each dot represents a single individual (n= 78, Mann–WhitneyUtest). (B) The comparison of diverse ovarian percentages in females at different times. 0.5 h and 18 h means the time of diss...