ACFT Body Fat Assessment Exemption In March 2023, the US Armyreleased a directiveregarding exemptions from body fat assessments based on ACFT performance. Soldiers that secure a score of 540 or above and have a minimum score of 80 in each event are no longer required to undergo a body fat a...
It states that the army has ordered 177 helicopters whose delivery will begin in 2015. Robert Barrie, Army project manager for cargo helicopters, mentions that the contract will not only help the army to save but also soldiers in the field.EBSCO_bspHelicopter News...
Leonardo developed a wide range of military helicopters to meet all operational requirements and multi-role and naval operations. Find out more!
Army multi-platform EW, Intel system under test. (cover story)Discusses the testing of the United States Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Common System (IEWCS) by Lockheed Martin's Federal Systems Division. System performance and software preparation; Use of off-the-shelf hardware; Subsystems ...
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Multi-million pound science park planned for Army siteBRENDAN MCDAID
U.S. Army Corps investigates Middlesex County College site after 500-lb bomb is unearthedExcavation for the new Middlesex County College building has been suspended until the site is cleared by the U.S. Army Corps of
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --Speed Commerce
Army CH-47 Chinook Program Aims At Second Multi-Year Contract.The article reports that the CH-47 Chinook helicopter program of the U.S. Army is in the fourth year of its first multi-year contract. The Army program is about one-third complete, with 125 of 440 F aircraft delivered. It ...