WearandAppearanceofArmyUniformsandInsignia Thisrapidactionrevisionof3February2005--- oUpdatesfiguresthroughouttheregulation(throughout). oClarifiesthedefinitionofunauthorizedtattooswhilewearingtheclassA uniform(chap1). oIdentifiesofficialsresponsibleformakinginitialentrydeterminationson ...
10. Para 2-3 Who will approve designs for distinctive unit insignia (DUI), regimental distinctive insignia (RDI), shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI), flags, and badges? A: Assistant Secretary of the Army. 11. Para 2-3 Who can approve coats of arms, decorations, flags, streamers, agency seals...
On 13 April 1981, the DCSPER approved a design which had been submitted by TIOH and directed development be initiated. b. Order of precedence and wear of decorations is contained in Army Regulation (AR) 670-1. Policy for awards, approving authority, supply, and issue of decorations is ...