Review of U.S. Army Aviation Accident Reports: Prevalence of Environmental Stressors and Medical Conditions.Army aviationFeltman, K. AKelley, A. MCurry, I. PBoudreaux, D. AMilam, LMathews, CRussell, D
Laura’s initial assignment, from April to July 1992 was as the Chief, Health and Fitness Section in the G1 section of the Headquarters of III Corps, then she was given command of B Company, 1st Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, which was what the Army calls a “Command Aviation Compan...
army asco code p1 Download xlsx [225.09 KB] What's new. hidden code that allows unauthorized Computer Network Exploitation (CNE), falsification, or destruction of data. (dot) Releases will focus on the personnel services not yet addressed by the previous releases. 2550 0 0 3300 0 0 cm This...
The Light Tank M24 (known as the Chaffee) first entered combat in the ETOUSA by accident with the 740th Tank Battalion in December 1944, as was related above. Others went to the 759th Light Tank Battalion, and then, as available, to the light tank companies of the armored divisions and...
The United States Army Agency for Aviation Safety determines ways and means to conserve aviation resources of the United States Army. An important function of the Agency is to conduct an active accident research program. This paper overviews some of the accident research techniques, methodology, and...
I. Russell Peusch, Jr. and Dr. James E. Hicks, "Army Safety Investment Strategy Team (ASIST) Translating Aviation Accident Information to Hazards and Controls," System Safety Society 19th International System Safety Conference, Huntsville, AL, September 2001....
Hypothesis: Accident report narratives will provide important information about the role of alcohol use and other behaviors in drownings among active duty male U.S. Army soldiers. METHODS: Using a case series design, we describe drowning deaths reported to the U.S. Army Sa...