In India, thousands of farmers are being forced to abandon their survival crops in favour of global corporation maco-cropping; which, ironically, is what the British East India Company did to India three hundred years ago, causing famines and poverty for centuries.. Nowadays, armies re-brand su...
A: 1. Compassionate. 2. Medical. 3. Operational. 54. Para 3-17 What will be a valid reason for medical deferment? A: when the individual’s physical condition will not allow full participation in the selected course. 55. Para 3-17 What is the requirement for an operational deferment? A...
59. Para 3-2 A 2 B How should Soldiers maintain an authorized medical beard? A: Soldiers will keep the growth trimmed to the level specified by the appropriate medical authority. 60. Para 3-2 A 2 B If a Soldier that has a medical profile authorizing a beard shaves or trims their bea...
粘液纤毛清除功能肺癌三磷酸腺苷用肺功能仪等测定26例肺癌病人雾化吸入ATP前,吸入后即刻和15min时的通气功能,血压,心率和血氧饱和度.用放射性气溶胶吸入扫描法测定30例肺癌病人雾化吸入ATP和生理盐水后呼吸道粘液纤毛清除功能(mucociliary clearance, MCC)的变化.肺癌病人雾化吸入ATP后即刻和15min时呼吸道的通气功能,...
目的 探讨肝癌肝移植术后复发患者CD4+T淋巴细胞ATP含量与亚群计数检测的临床意义.方法 选取2015年11月-2018年11月于上海长征医院因原发性肝癌...
目的 探讨艾司洛尔对心肺复苏后大鼠心肌线粒体ATP酶活性的影响.方法 66只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为假手术(Sham)组、肾上腺素(AD)组、肾上腺素+艾司洛尔(AD+Es)组,每组22只,制备窒息致大鼠心跳骤停模型,窒息10min后行心肺复苏,测定复苏后30、120、180min心肌线粒体ATP酶活性.复苏期间监测心...
核苷酸类大鼠,Sprague-Dawley目的 探讨参姜锁阳益气片对寒凝气滞血瘀证大鼠海马区与下丘脑组织中ATP酶与核苷酸的影响.方法 清洁级SD大鼠60只,随机选取12只作为A组;其余48只采用肾上腺素加冰水浴复合低温冷冻法建立寒凝气滞血瘀证模型,造模成功后分为B,C,D,E组,每组12只,造模成功后第...
目的 探讨脉冲电流经皮刺激肝区对运动性疲劳大鼠肝脏线粒体Na+-K+-ATP酶及Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP酶活性的影响.方法 健康8周龄雄性Wistar大鼠72只,随机分为安静对照组(A组),疲劳对照组(B组),疲劳前刺激组(C组),疲劳后刺激组(D组),每组18只.B,C,D组大鼠建立游泳力竭模型,C组和D组大鼠分...