Col. West said the tactic worked in that the Iraqi provided the names of insurgents who planned attacks on his men.Yesterday's proceeding, called an Article 32, was presided over by an Army officer who will make a recommendation to Col. West's commanding officer, Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno,...
Rather, Article 2(b) of the Agreement provides that, "if the Tribunal determines … that the ABC experts did not exceed their mandate, it shall make a declaration to that effect and issue an award for the full and immediate implementation of the ABC Report." 20. Preliminarily, although ...
This article was adapted from myearlier article atOvert Defense. Support Us:If you enjoyed this video and articleplease consider supporting our work here. We have some great perks available for Patreon Supporters – including early access to custom stickers and early access to videos! Thank you f...
Article excerpt Byline: By Daniel Thomson Army bosses were heavily criticised yesterday [Fri] after a hearing into the death of a North-East soldier who was crushed by a rocket launcher. The Health and Safety Executive brought a Crown censure against the Ministry of Defence following the ...
Article INTRODUCTION Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most commonly encountered types of occupational hearing loss. It is the leading occupational disease in Singapore1. NIHL is a reduction in auditory acuity following prolonged exposure to loud ...