protected from the elements. Panels should be removed from cartons 24 hours before installation to allow them to adjust to interior conditions.• T he tools you will need will vary depending on the type of hangers used, but generally, you will need:– ladders or scaffolding – a tape ...
In Poedit, open this .pot file, go into the Catalog menu and click Configuration. Change "Country" and "Language" to your own country and language. From then you can translate the file. Once it is done, please open a pull request and add the file to it.This...
Catalog - PLASTERFORM Architectural Castings PDF Warranty - CASTWORKS Architectural Forms PDF SDS - CASTWORKS GRG PDF Brochures CASTWORKS Architectural Forms PDF Custom Column Covers PDF Specifications CASTWORKS Cast Stone Specification DOC CASTWORKS GRG Specification DOC CASTWORKS GFRC Specificat...
In Poedit, open this .pot file, go into the Catalog menu and click Configuration. Change "Country" and "Language" to your own country and language. From then you can translate the file. Once it is done, please either open a pull request or send the file to this address.This...