1. Arms Warrior Pre-Raid Gear Set 2. Pre-raid Best in Slot 1. Arms Warrior Pre-Raid Gear Set Your gear list will mostly follow the stat priority of theArmsWarriorspec, which is as follows: Strength Hit Rating (8%) Expertise Rating (6.5%) ...
Having done the raid on multiple classes, Arms was by far the least enjoyable due to poor class structure and a loss of class fantasy. Tier Set Conflict: The hedged bets mechanic for Arms warrior conflicts with the high reset rate for Overpower through Tactician, usually further enhanced by ...
Patch 11.1 Changes to Arms Warrior With the introduction of a new Season and Raid tier, Arms Warriors recieved significant tuning across most of their core rotational abilities. Additionally, the Class Talent Tree has undergone a few changes to increase survivability and support better choices in th...
specific buffs would take some work, as Arms needs 50% overall damage to catch up to RET paladins in raid… yikes (where bosses have 5% or less armor and players have world buffs that favor warrior) but things like quickstrike cant be on the GCD, mortal strike shouldnt do 1/4th the ...
Arms isn't just for PvP, this guide is for optimizing your DPS as an Arms Warrior in PvE, with your build, gems, enchants, and rotations for face-smashing goodness.
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/WarriorArms.lua at 429a95d8411e9238cbaff31ac9d7c43207011fcc · Hekili/hekili
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/TheWarWithin/WarriorArms.lua at 352a9d8118297e96b6f742d3c9a16653717a3ce2 · Hekili/hekili
Fury does better single target generally and is what I would generally advise. Generally Arms is our PvP spec, Fury is our DPS spec, and Prot is our tank spec. Though Arms and Fury can go PvP or DPS depending on the raid comp. Reply With Quote ...
After doing my first Firelands raid yesterday I just refuse to play my Warrior until they fix Arms back to a reasonable performance level. Last 2-3 month raiding on my Arms Warrior were the best time I had playing my Warrior ever. I should have expected it wouldn't last long. I'll ...
Is Arms Warrior Viable in Cataclysm ArmsWarrioris an extremely viable DPS class in both PvE and PvP based content. It scales very well and brings numerous abilities, making it very strong in 10-man raid groups trying to optimize their buffs and debuffs. That being saidArmsis still a melee...