Two-Handed WeaponEnchant Weapon - Berserking One-Handed WeaponEnchant Weapon - Blood Draining ShieldEnchant Shield - Resilience RingsEnchant Ring - Assault 3. Best Gems for PvP Arms Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King Your gemming will change vastly depending on your current gear, team composition...
Weapon Enchant Weapon - Crusader 2. Best Consumables for Arms Warrior DPS 2.1. Profession Exclusive Flask of Restless Dreams (Alchemy) Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion (Alchemy) Sigil of Living Dreams (Enchanting) 2.2. World Buffs Fervor of the Temple Explorer Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage ...
Arms isn't just for PvP, this guide is for optimizing your DPS as an Arms Warrior in PvE, with your build, gems, enchants, and rotations for face-smashing goodness.