This also leads to worrying issues where Arms’s viability in AoE situation hinges a lot on the tuning of those talents. For instance, Cleave was quite weak during almost all of Dragonflight, so we largely got by using Warbreaker and Bladestorm, but it meant that if you went into a pull...
5.1.1. Arms Warrior PvP Talents Rebound boosts the value of Spell Reflection, providing both more offensive and defensive value in exchange for a slightly longer cooldown. Sharpen Blade increases damage of Mortal Strike. Battlefield Commander enhances each Shout ability in a different way, increasin...
Nudnud <Cult of the Void> 3 posts 80 Human Warrior 38545 Dec 2024 Yeah, completely forgot HS was off the GCD, wild. I don’t think that’d ever come back, cool if it did, but me thinks people in PVP didn’t like getting global’d lol. I’ll agree both hero talents have ...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/WarriorArms.lua at 429a95d8411e9238cbaff31ac9d7c43207011fcc · Hekili/hekili