Welcome to the Arms Warrior DPS PvE guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! Arms Warriors are disciplined combatants that devoted their lives to the mastery of many forms of combat and a huge variety of weapons that can be used in most war z
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/WarriorArms.lua at 429a95d8411e9238cbaff31ac9d7c43207011fcc · Hekili/hekili
Find out how you can improve at playing Arms Warrior in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5 by avoiding common mistakes and paying attention to small details.
1.1. Arms Warrior Leveling Playstyle Arms Warrior only really have one playstyle, though take time to grow into it. Starting out as a mediocre leveling spec with only Sweeping Strikes, Arms Warriors do not start gaining more worthwhile multitarget tools until around level 30. Past that point ...
Our guild Stacked (5/8M) is located on the Skullcrusher/Black Dragonflight/Gul’dan server group. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8pm - 11pm EST. We are in need of a warrior for our core group. If interested, feel free to add me on BNet: CLee#1165 or Discord: Blankee#1479 ...