Arms isn't just for PvP, this guide is for optimizing your DPS as an Arms Warrior in PvE, with your build, gems, enchants, and rotations for face-smashing goodness. the old guide is quick and fun read full of information. but he says “Be warned. This is probably the most intensive dps build out there right now. If you want to be topping the charts you have to be on top...
I checked the old wowhead posts and WCL stats and a gimped 2019 ret to a bis fury warrior was the same gap Arms has with a rogue right now. Stickman: Just because fury does more dmg(as it should) doesn’t mean arms ain’t viable I dont get it are you asking for arms(...
I checked the old wowhead posts and WCL stats and a gimped 2019 ret to a bis fury warrior was the same gap Arms has with a rogue right now. Stickman: Just because fury does more dmg(as it should) doesn’t mean arms ain’t viable I dont get it are you asking for arms(...