For example, amongst current TPNW parties where uranium mining occurs including Namibia, and signatories like Niger, Malawi, no other significant ‘activities relating to the use or testing of nuclear weapons’ have previously taken place. Similarly, states that have been subjected to nuclear weapons...
As the Malawi government begins to wake up to the fact one in three people in the country may be infected with HIV by 2010, she is fighting back against ignorance about the disease. "With more than 470,000 orphans in Malawi - the majority as a direct result of Aids - many never fin...
Kenya invaded Somalia a decade ago to fight the Al Shabab militia before joining the African Union (AU) mission in Somalia (AMISOM) backing the Mogadishu government against the insurgents. Kenya is also involved in Democratic Republic of Congo through the United Nations...
participation in research projects funded by external government agencies and industry may have ITAR restrictions, however, requiring involved students to be U.S. persons (in the language of the regulations). In addition, it is harder, but not impossible, for international students to find internsh...
SourceU.S. Government Note:All data are for the calendar year given, except for U.S. MAP (Military Assistance Program), IMET (International Military Education and Training), excess defense articles, which are included for the particular fiscal year. Licensed commercial exports are excluded. All...