This is where Armoury Crate shines, as it practically unifies all of your ROG devices and lets you configure them using just asingle intuitive interface. This is highly helpful as your components’ behavior can be customized via this program. One notable example is theAura Syncfeature, which a...
The first method is the traditional way of installation. That is, we’ll download components from ASUS’s drivers and tools page and run them on the system. The steps to download and install Armoury Crate on Windows 11 are as follows. Download the Armoury Crate installer from the ASUS webs...
如果Aura Sync识别不全你的带灯硬件的话,在华硕官网下载一个官方的Armoury Crate奥创游戏智控中心并安装,下载地址: 这时候就会发现不出现各种AISO.sys找不到的问题了,而且硬件设备灯会明显有突然关灯然后又开灯的接口尝试行为,安装Armoury Crate...
01-16-2024 11:30 PM Hello everyone, since I have installed Armoury Crate on my Windows 11 computer I have the problem that now and then (when I start Armoury Crate) the desktop lags or completely Windows. this is very annoying especially if you just want to adjust something briefl...
*OS version required: Windows 10 (1903 or later) or Windows 11Armoury Crate Version:- Version 5.9.4Fixes:1. Resolved Windows Dynamic Lighting integration issues2. Addressed various "Update Center" bugs3. Fixed app crash when system language is set to Turkish4. Corrected device detection issues...
1. Click the link to go to theArmoury Crate support website 2. Find the “Driver & Utility” tab and select the OS as “Windows 10 64-bit” to download “Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool” 3. Unzip “” and double-click “Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool.exe”...
装完windows系统后进入桌面,右下角通知区会弹出提示,建议你安装Armoury Crate来进行硬件管理和升级。
1. Klik op de link om naar de Armoury Crate-ondersteuning website 2. Zoek de “Driver & Hulpprogramma” tabblad en selecteer het besturingssysteem als “Windows 10 64-bit” om “Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool” te downloaden 3. Unzip “” en dubbelklik op...
近期,华硕电脑用户在使用Windows 11系统时,经历了一场突如其来的“节日惊喜”。据用户反馈,开机后屏幕底部突然显现一个装饰有节日彩灯和红色按钮的圣诞花环横幅,占据了屏幕约三分之一的空间,并伴有一个名为“Christmas.exe”的进程在任务管理器中运行。这一意外现象迅速在用户中引发了恐慌,许多人误以为电脑被恶意软...
12 月 22 日消息,近日部分华硕电脑用户在 Windows 11 系统下遭遇了一次令人不安的经历:屏幕底部突然出现一个占据屏幕约三分之一的圣诞花环横幅,并伴随一个名为“Christmas.exe”的进程在任务管理器中运行。这一突如其来的“惊喜”一度引发用户恐慌,许多人误以为电脑感染了恶意软件或遭遇了勒索病毒攻击。