I have seen in pictures that there should be an 'i' shaped option on the left hand menu list that you can select to do custom fan profiles ect but i do not have it.All drivers ect are up to date, so does anyone know what the problem is? Labels: Armoury Crate software ...
Hi I cant find my GPU stats and power mode setting on the dashboard of armoury crate (version - Can see and control lights for my GPU.
在Armoury Crate - Operating 模式中手動模式的相同控制項都將會反灰無法使用 (包含:Base Clock Offset、Memory Clock Offset), 若想改為使用Armoury Crate進行GPU超頻數據調整,則須將ASUS GPU Tweak 中的控制項設定回預設值,或移除 ASUS GPU Tweak並刪除此路徑檔案[C:\ProgramData\ASUS\GPU Tweak II\config.ini]...
armoury cr..armoury crate 崩了 开始能看gpu频率 现在大部分功能消失 吧友之前有人发过 当时想着自己遇不到 没想到没乱动什么东西 重新装了几次也不行 但是打游戏好像问题不大 好像就是比之前热了点
Hello guys, I need your help. I had this issue when I updated my AMD Adrenalin yesterday. I saw the gpu stats on my Armoury Crate that it's on extreme power
MUX Switch:MUX Switch and MSHybrid Mode integrate with GPU Mode after Armoury Crate V5.2.12 updated, please go to Armoury Crate [Home] or[GPU Mode]in[GPU Power Saving]function to apply Ultimate. Display Profile:Gamers will be able to click [Display Profile] icon to switch Dual Spec Panel...
我的Armoury Crate不能手动调CPU和GPU参数了 只看楼主 收藏 回复长琴 M9H 6 啥情况啊?? 我爱吃橘子岁月 Maximus 11 大概率奥创抽风了,试试关闭奥创任务管理器终止奥创服务再打开? JF不是姐夫 G750 7 我一直没看到过能手调频率 柳林河鼠 GR8II 1 为啥我的这个软件就用不了啊 ...
Does anyone else have problems with Armoury crate. After a update i did yesterday my GPU is not being detected and does not show in the app. However in my adrenaline i can still see it, its enabled in device manager also. it's one of the latest bugs or did something go wrong?
M9H 6 求教吧里的大佬,现在的Armoury Crate里如何更改gpu模式啊?为什么我的设备设置里没有更改GPU模式的? 激动的记者 M9H 6 dd 激动的记者 M9H 6 有大佬能解答下吗?登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示2...