5-1 Hogyan indítható el a GameVisual? A Windows keresősávjába írja be az [ARMOURY CRATE]① kifejezésr, keressen rá, majd kattintson ide: [Megnyitás]②. Az Armoury Crate kezdőoldalán kattintson a [GameVisual]③ opcióra, ezzel belép a GameVisual beállítási oldalára....
在Armoury Crate 程序首页中点选[GameVisual] 即可进入GameVisual设定页面。GameVisual 提供玩家 8 种不同的屏幕色彩模式 [Default(默认)、Racing(运动模式)、Scenery(风景模式)、RTS/RPG(实时战略/角色扮演)、FPS(射击游戏)、Cinema(剧场模式)、Eyecare(护眼模式)和Vivid(鲜明模式)],玩家可以点选喜好的...
本人机器由 Windows10 专业版升级 至 Windows11 专业版,由于专业版没有华硕自带奥创Armoury Crate,于是从官网1按照操作下载安装(下载安装此篇不做描述),奈何安装完成后GameVisual无法使用 。总是提示 更新配置文件,服务器响应超时,下载失败,请稍后重试! 于是找寻解决方法。 解决方法 获取显卡(连接屏幕的那张显卡)硬件...
- GameVisual is not detected within Armoury Crate software, cannot set a GameVisual setting with a specific scenario profile since its not shown in the "App Configuration" section of the "Scenario Profiles" page.- UWP Games installed in Drive D are not detected when scanning for g...
Help.. My Armoury Crate Game Visual not supported after LCD display change. I reinstall the Armoury crate but the problem not resolved. My - 899635
armoury crate的game visual突然使用不了了 只看楼主收藏回复 __帅气不如骨气 GR8II 1 切换什么模式都是一个样子就突然这样了,有人知道怎么办吗 送TA礼物 1楼2020-08-22 20:52回复 __帅气不如骨气 GR8II 1 1 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-08-22 21:43 回复 ...
Armoury Crate Home Device AURA Sync GameVisual Game Library Scenario Profiles Featured News User Center Settings Q&A 1. Armoury CrateIntroduction Armoury Crate is an integration application developed for ROG series and TUF series of gaming laptop and desktop by integrating NB ROG Gaming Center and DT...
A24:AMD AFMF is AMD's latest frame generation technology. At present, it does not accommodate third-party performance monitoring tools. Enabling any third-party performance monitoring tool that overlays onto the game screen, it will disrupt AFMF functions, including Xbox Game Bar, Armoury Crate's...
Armoury Crate - Installation SOP AniMe Matrix™ Display - Introduction Keystone - Introduction Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation Setup Guide Armoury Crate - GameVisual Introduction ROG XG Mobile instruction Guide ROG BOOST GPU Overclock (O.C.) Technolog ...