The Armory Show 继承1913年在"The New Spirit"的精神指导下由众多之后声名大噪的现代艺术家(包括Edgar Degas, Marcel Duchamp, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso等超过150名知名艺术家) 组成的军械所当代艺术展的形式内容,从94年到现在的22年里很好地担当了世界性一年一度当代艺术和思潮的展示柜。不像很多其他综合展会...
Edward Hopper’s painting of a sailboat was one of a few American paintings sold during the exhibit. It was mostly the European entries that got the attention of art collectors. MORE INFORMATION For more in-depth information on the Armory Show, your first stop must be the University of Virgi...
A look at what sold at the 2022 Armory Show, including works by Kehinde Wiley, Keith Haring, Vaughn Spann , and more.
In 1913, Davis was one of the youngest painters to exhibit in theArmory Show, where he displayed five watercolor paintings in the Ashcan school style. WikiMatrix Armory Showår 1913 i New York City, en utställning av den europeiska modernistiska konsten, chockade allmänheten och för...
Romantic paintings that enjoyed the respect of almost all of the American art establishment. He was also a man with a broad, highly developed taste, capable of appreciating trends in art far more radical than his own style, and he was aware of developments inEurope. Davies, with the help ...
Armory Show (International Exhibition of Modern Art) held in 1913 at the Sixty-ninth... Bettmann/Getty Images VIEW MOREin these related Britannica articles: Media for: Harlem race riot of 1935 Media for: Harlem Renaissance Media for: Superstorm Sandy ...