Armored Core: Last Raven pushes the player into shifting alliances and strategized warfare. As the sparks fly and mechs dance in a digital waltz of bullets and strategy, fans hold the key to crowning the best Armored Core game. Dive into the rankings and vote up the best Armored Core ...
Born from the visionary minds at FromSoftware, thisvideo game franchiseburst onto the scene in 1997, offering players a mesmerizing blend of futuristic combat mechanics and deep customization options. Join fans around the world as we explore this ranked list of all theArmored Coregames and vote ...
装甲核心武装核心 / Āmādo Koa / アーマード・コアArmored Core FromSoftware 1997-07-10 - . -7.7 简介 开发/发行 链接 资源 暂无评分- . -会员评分7.7 一款由日本游戏制作公司 FROMSOFTWARE 于 1997 年 7 月 10 日在 Sony PlayStation 平台上推出的第三人称 3D 机器人射击战斗游戏。其后又在 PS...
装甲核心 6:境界天火机战佣兵VI 境界天火 / 機戰傭兵VI 境界天火 / 아머드 코어 VI 루비콘의 화염 / 機戰傭兵™VI 境界天火™ / AC6 / Armored Core 6 / Armoured Core 6 / Armoured Core VIArmored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon ...
A new action game based on the concept of the ARMORED CORE series that uses the knowledge gained from FromSoftware's recent action game development.
武装核心 2アーマード・コア2 / 装甲核心 2Armored Core 2 FromSoftware 2000-08-03 7.87.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 资源 媒体评分7.8会员评分7.0 随着地下世界的逐渐崩坏,人们回到了地上。地球历 0223 年,大大战时候活跃的佣兵们,失去了表现的舞台。但在地球 X 主导开发的火星计划时,因本身制作...
武装核心 2アーマード・コア2 / 装甲核心 2Armored Core 2 FromSoftware 2000-08-03 7.87.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 资源 媒体评分7.8会员评分7.0 随着地下世界的逐渐崩坏,人们回到了地上。地球历 0223 年,大大战时候活跃的佣兵们,失去了表现的舞台。但在地球 X 主导开发的火星计划时,因本身制作...
This game is just profoundly excellent. From Software comes again with a very optimized game, its graphics being phenomenal while I'm still using a three year old gaming laptop. Armored Core VI is rather difficult, and they push the player into making more creative decisions and builds or try...
《装甲核心 V》(日语:アーマード・コア V,英语:Armored Core V)是装甲核心系列睽违 4 年的第五款正宗续作。世界观翻新。广告标语是“全てを焼き尽くす暴力”(能把一切燃烧殆尽的暴力)。是该系列首次有繁体中文化。 类型:射击,模拟 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 ...