Designed as a follow-up to issues the French Cavalry had with the AMR 33, it lengthened the vehicle and adopted a more standard configuration with a rear engine. Although it improved on its predecessor in some ways, the AMR 35 would… ...
近日,国外Reddit论坛的《装甲核心6(Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon)》专栏用户数暴涨,目前人数已涨至12w人。 据了解,该专栏名为"r/armoredcore",最早设立于2012年2月,当时是为了庆祝《装甲核心5》的发售而创建的玩家交流区域。 在《装甲核心6》发售前,该专栏的用户数量仅约为9000人左右。随着《装甲核心6》...
FromSoftware's action title is full of dangerous bosses, big and small. Here's how to take them all down with minimal fuss.Posted By Ravi Sinha | On 30th, Aug. 2023Facebook Twitter RedditArmored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon isn’t a Souls-borne title, but FromSoftware still showcases its...
装甲核心6装备数据机制:速度篇——只要打不中就没什么大不了的 鹅肝苹果... 某位不知名总帅曾说过这么一句话:“再怎么厉害的攻击,打不中对手也没有意义” 当然,装甲核心最出圈的图就是那个“我要成为境界天火高手” 除了重型坦克的选择《看起来》不需要很注重机动性,AC的另一个方向就是全面投入机动性的极端...
《装甲核心6:余烬时代》——「卢比孔的解放者」结局后传小说大纲 --- 第一卷:血色黎明副标题:胜利的代价核心矛盾:解放者的理想主义 VS 现实的权力真空 1. 破碎的乌托邦(1-5章)- 时间线:结局6个月后- 关键事件: - 卢比孔地表:解放阵线「赤鸦」名义上接管星球,但实际控制区不足30%。 - 主角(玩家角色)被...
For those that work hard while robbing the armored transports, a curious Easter egg can be found. 展开阅读 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统 *: Windows 7 处理器: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor 内存: 4 GB RAM 显卡: Nvidia & AMD (512MB VRAM) DirectX 版本: 9.0c 存储空间: 需要83 GB ...
Soviet Union (1941) Improvised Armored Vehicles – Estimated 100 Built It is hard to stress how dire the situation was for the Red Army in the summer of 1941. In as little as two months, 10,000 tanks had been lost to the German Army and her allies. Therefore, factories across...