Armored core 6 fires of Rubicon is a very fun game. The combat is fast paced which is what I like. The boss fights are fun and hard but not impossible. Level design of the game is also very good and does a good job portraying the feel of the story. ...
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon will amaze you from start to finish. Its combat system is challenging and requires learning to handle an Armored Core far from a perfect machine. The dramatic narrative goes hand in hand with the game's missions. Visually, it could be better. However, it...
《Armored Core 6》日本玩家组装沙萨比 还原度超高 《Armored Core》系列久违10年,上周终于推出第6集正统续作《Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon》(机战佣兵VI境界天火),小编也有幸获BANDAI邀请亲身欣赏典藏版机体模型(相关报道连接)。《Armored Core 6》是一款3D机器人第三人称动作射击游戏,一直以组装机体的自由...