Target Assist also isn’t the same thing as Lock On, which you can also do inArmored Core 6.When locked on, your AC will adjust to always face towards the targeted enemy, much like inDark SoulsorElden Ring.The draw back to locking on is that it slightly limits movement options, and ...
Armored Core - Cheats Total cheats available: 1 Walkthrough / Guides / Tips DateTitleUser 11th Jan 2011Various Cheats and Hintsioi
We don’t have time to dither. Today, amphibious vessels are being produced in great numbers. Those newly amphibious navies won’t wait for the U.S Marine Corps to finish playing “Hamlet” over their amphibious gear. Our allies will go to build their own stuff, create their own doctrine,...
Armored Core: For Answer - Cheats Total cheats available: 3 Walkthrough / Guides / Tips DateTitleUser 11th Jan 2011AIioi 11th Jan 2011Start ORCA story pathioi Unlockables DateTitleUser 10th Jan 2011Secret AC Parts list (36)ioi