To do so, press T to open chat and use the following command to summon an armor stand with arms: /summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1} Do keep in mind that the spawned armor stand will lose its arms when broken. So, only spawn it where you want to place it. Moreov...
importorg.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverrideprotectedvoidonCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args){booleanload = ArmorStands.getPoses().containsKey(args[0]); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN +"Please right-click theArmorStandyou'd like to "+ (load ?"load":"save"...
What about taking the xBox approach- preset poses! Perhaps a stick could be used to add/remove arms, and a plank of wood could change pose! EDIT- On 2nd thought, that does not solve many problems minus the SS service thing. CraftyCosmic,Dec 26, 2017 ...
You can configure an armor stand in unique poses to create some really appealing displays. With a few well-placed lighting effects in the right places, you can make an armor stand appear as if it’s alive! Can You Put Raw Food on Armor Stands? Not in Minecraft: Java Edition. However,...
Armor is fantastic, But I have one littlerequest. Could you give standalone bikini, because I love took screens with my char and show them on another site. This armor look sexy, but I can't show them on site like Nexus and another. ...