minecraftbukkitbukkit-pluginarmorstands UpdatedFeb 7, 2017 Java ArmorStandEdit is an armor stand editor for minecraft to give players that don't have access to commands or dont like to use them access to the world of beautiful armor stand statues ...
A Minecraft Armor Stand is a wonderful way to visually display your most glamorous Armor and equipment. Though they serve no functional purpose, they make great decorations for your builds, and can even stand in for NPC characters if you want to create an RPG-style world. Here’s everythin...
This mods adds a GUI for armor stands which you can access by shift-clicking on an armor stand, that let's you set it's pose and change other properties like giving it arms or hiding the base plate. You can also click items into and out of the armor stand's hands. Armor Poser is...
{ "CONFIG_VERSION_DONT_TOUCH_THIS": 2, "armorStandTool": "minecraft:flint", // Item that acts as editor, can be from a mod "requireIsArmorStandEditorTag": false, // Makes item require nbt tag isArmorStandEditor of item "holdingToolSpawnsParticles": true, // If true, player will ...
I would like to know how I would be able to kill a player near an armor stand, then kill the armor stand and use the explosion particle at the same time. I'm working on a single command for a claymore and I need it to explode. I have tried doing this command a couple time...
Minecraft Armor Stand Creater是一款非常棒的为我的世界的玩家们制作开发的盔甲装备架生成器工具。这款生成器无需联网,离线化操作,支持玩家们进行盔甲架装备栏的物品设置,基础盔甲架属性的设置,喜欢的玩家们赶快来下载试试吧! 生成器功能说明 无需联网,离线化操作 基础盔甲架属性的设置 DisabledSlots编辑权限设置 附带...
本篇教程将通过图文的形式一步步教你在我的世界中怎么使用盔甲架。 在我的世界中,你可以将你不穿的护甲放到展架上展示出来,让我们来了解怎么使用盔甲架。 合成盔甲架 怎么合成盔甲架 使用盔甲架的步骤 1.放置盔甲架 在你使用盔甲架前,你需要将它放在一处地方,比如你的庇护所内。 要想放置盔甲架,请先选中物品快...
我的世界地球仪建筑教程 /summon armor_stand ~ ~-1.615 ~ {NoGravity:1,Invisible:1,Small:1,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:player_ - NetheriteTree于20240315发布在抖音,已经收获了5842个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
#我的世界 #命令方块 指令在下方指令1:/execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ 指令2:/execute @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand] ~ - 我的世界.小林于20211227发布在抖音,已经收获了49.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an armor stand with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, armor stands are an important decoration item in your inventory. Let's explore how to make an armor stand.