minecraftbukkitbukkit-pluginarmorstands UpdatedFeb 7, 2017 Java ArmorStandEdit is an armor stand editor for minecraft to give players that don't have access to commands or dont like to use them access to the world of beautiful armor stand statues ...
Translated language.yml and config.yml for ArmorStandTools armorstandtools UpdatedNov 28, 2021 ArmorStandEdit is an armor stand editor for minecraft to give players that don't have access to commands or dont like to use them access to the world of beautiful armor stand statues ...
Can you imagine If you could rotate your armor stand's hands (to add hands as well) , head, legs etc? Rename it so you can see message by looking at it? Remove the small platform under it? Make it invisible so u can put on it floating armor? And all by right clicking with empty...
/aa stats aa.edit Shows all angles of a nearby armor stand /aa visible <on/off> <range> aa.visible Use "on" to make all armor stands visible. Use "off" to make all armor stands invisible. <range> defines the range around the player in which armor stands are affected. /aa name <...
I wanted to create an armor stand for each kit in my mini-game, and I quickly became frustrated with trying to use commands and numeric values to position the legs, arms, body and head of each armor stand, so I created this plugin which allows you to do all of this with ease. Among...