AcronymDefinition AFD Area Forecast Discussion (US National Weather Service) AFD Alternative für Deutschland (German political party; est. 2013) AFD Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) AFD A Few Days AFD Articles for Deletion (Wikipedia) AFD Alliance Française des Designe...
AcronymDefinition AFD Area Forecast Discussion (US National Weather Service) AFD Alternative für Deutschland (German political party; est. 2013) AFD Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) AFD A Few Days AFD Articles for Deletion (Wikipedia) AFD Alliance Française des Designe...
Experimental Analysis The micro spring, based on the nickel material and ultraviolet-LIGA (German Acronym for Lithographie, Galvanformung, Abformung) process, is fabricated. Beryllium bronze material and low-speed wire-cutting electrical discharge processing technology are used to manufacture the other...