谁能告诉我目的地突然变成 ARMED GUARD ON BO 只看楼主收藏回复 欣欣欣欣欣呦 学海无涯 3 谁能告诉我目的地突然变成 ARMED GUARD ON BOARD是什么意思,查了百度说是船上武装警卫,第一次碰到,我很担心,救救我吧 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-03-07 19:40回复 ...
#航运人的生活 穿行High Risk Area高风险区域 Armed Guard Onboard #航安 - 最航运丹尼斯于20240127发布在抖音,已经收获了35.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
这应该不是港口名称,而是船舶在经过高危、海盗区时AIS显示的信息,一般通常是“ARMED GUARDS ON BOARD"译成中文意思就是“武装保安(人员)在船”,用以向海盗宣示:我有武装护航,别打我的主意!
求助,求助……..各位海哥海嫂,有谁知道armed guard on board 这个港口在哪儿么?在中国么?男朋友说月底回国,可是我从来没听过这个港口呀
Maritime Security: Armed Guards on Board 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 12 作者: Y Eski 摘要: Armed private security guards aboard ships protect ships and their crews against pirate attacks at sea by using nonlethal and lethal force. Armed private security guards on board of ships for... ...
As this problem affects almost the entire safety and economy of the shipping industry that passes through this area, various parties are beginning to take seriously the importance of having an armed guard onboard. However, when it comes to the use of weapons onboard of ships or vessels ...
目的地变成了ARMED GUARD ONBOARD 只看楼主收藏回复 沫离可好 五湖四海 5 船上有武装警卫是什么意思 是有武装人员护航么 前几天看了菲利普船长 惊心动魄啊 今天突然看到朋友在的油轮目的地变成了这个 本来是到阿曼的费赫勒港的 这个区域也有护航的么