Coun Hilary Fryer, the armed forces champion for Charnwood Borough Council said: "We are extremely proud to receive the gold award for our continued support of the Armed Forces community. Councils given gold award for Armed Forces support; Accolade for Charnwood and Rushcliffe boroughs "Especially ...
BAFBaseball a la Française(French: French Baseball; online magazine) BAFBusiness Accounting and Finance BAFBenin Armed Forces BAFBoite a Frissons(French accordion maker) BAFBergens Arkitektforening(Norwegian: Bergen Architectural Association; Bergen, Norway) ...
Curated and annotated by Elvis Costello himself, the mammoth "Armed Forces" vinyl box is the definitive look at Costello’s groundbreaking 1979 LP.
1 a : furnished with weapons an armed guard also : using or involving a weapon b : furnished with something that provides security, strength, or efficacy armed with knowledge 2 : marked by the maintenance of armed forces in readiness ...
AFMArmed Forces of Malta AFMAdvanced Fluid Mechanics(course) AFMAfrica Fighting Malaria(advocacy group) AFMAtmospheric Flight Mechanics(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) AFMArmy Field Manual AFMAmman Financial Market AFMActive Filter Media(Dryden Aqua Ltd.; UK and France) ...
Easy Resettlement is now the armed forces favourite resettlement magazine. We provide informative insights in to various industries that you may consider as your next career path, as well as job vacancies, training providers, Colleges, Universities and Franchises that are keen to assist you through...
My Clients come from all 3 Services, and across the full rank spectrum. Commissioned and non-commissioned – from the Officers’ Mess to the NAAFI, and from the Wardroom to the Mess Deck. I also have an increasing number of Clients from the Police Forces around the UK. ...
Forces children can suffer the disruption of moving school many times before their childhood is over; they flit between countries and curricula, perhaps dropping back a year, sometimes staying only a few weeks in a school. Often, parents will disappear on duty for months at time; even a phone...
18 months - The typical length of time one headteacher said a forces child would spend at her school. pound;700K - The proportion awarded to Scottish projects, in 2012, of an annual pound;3 million UK-wide MoD fund for state schools affected by changes to the military. 94 - The number...
Find out more information about the Armed Forces Covenant Find out more about the Employer Recognition Scheme CNet Ex-military Instructors Featured in Quest Magazine Quest Magazine interviewed four members of the CNet Training Instructor team who have all enjoyed military service before taking their valu...