[das] pl.Armbinden 臂。 近义词 近义词:Binde, Binde 联想词 Uniform制;Uniformen制;Abzeichen;Kopfbedeckung头巾;Mütze便帽;Hakenkreuz卍字饰;Trikot紧身运动,运动衫;Aufschrift地址;Krawatte领带;Jacke短上衣,夹克衫;Anzug整套男西装; 德语例句库 1.Mehrere Ordner trugen rote Armbinden. 许多维持秩序者戴着红...
三、读一读,写一写。1.arm2.bind;c=2cod.3.ball4.tiger【题目】#求答案#求助小伙伴,这题的答案是什么?多谢。三、读一读,写一写。R1.arm2.bird3.ball4.tiger 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 【解析】【答案】1.arm2.bird3.ball4. tiger【翻译】arm:手臂bird:鸟ball:球tiger :老虎【解析】自行...
1.Mehrere Ordner trugen rote Armbinden. 1.许多序戴章。 用户正在搜索 Amtsträger, Amtsverbindungsleitung, Amtsverweser, Amtsvorgänger, Amtsvormund, Amtsweg, Amtswohnung, Amtszeichen, Amtszeit, Amtszeit des Regierungschefs, 相似单词 "拜罗"圆珠笔, "并戈"赌博游戏, "互裨"姑娘, 声明:以上...
Section B. Classified patent abstract5284778 Sensitive bioassay using monoclonal antibodies which bind to hormone-receptor complexes: Robert Canfield, E Glen Armstrong, William R Moyle, Gordon MacDonald, Donna M Anderson assigned to The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; The ...
一、贺波担任职务:担任上海酷哲实业有限公司监事;二、贺波投资情况:贺波目前是上海酷哲实业有限公司直接控股股东,持股比例为51%;目前贺波投资上海酷哲实业有限公司最终收益股份为51%;三、贺波的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,贺波与程悝为商业合作伙伴。 老板...
随后 他的目光又集中在了方源身上 语气尽量温和: 这位小友 我能脱困 几乎全赖于你 你出力极多 于我沈家有着大功 你可愿加入沈家 成为太上客卿家老呢 在东方大国的传统文化中 十二地支代表了时间的变化 而十二地支中的十二生肖更是与人的生肖命运紧密相连 据古人的记载 每逢一个生肖年的到来 都会对人的生活和...
A vehicle sun arm connection assembly and arrangement has a wire harness to which the assembly attaches. The assembly comprises a visor male connector and a visor female connector. The visor male connector has male conductive terminals separately attached to a first insulating body. The male ...
Paralleling to one arm of bind treatment manner and the bindPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a binding device which can automate the fitting of a ring binder.吉江 徹
A device for torsion-proof connection of a number of elements (11, 12) in direct or indirect rolling contact with each other, which together make a robot arm or the like, whereby the elements are held together and actuated by force transmitting actuators, for example cords. The object of ...