1.首先给玩客云插一个U盘或移动硬盘,我准备了一个闪迪64G USB3.0的 2.一个安装好Armbian系统的玩客云.(没有安装Armbian参考:https://xwenw.com/4627.html) 登录SSH,输入fdisk -l 记下设备名称 一般都是/dev/sda1 输入mkfs.ext4/dev/sda1 把磁盘格式化成ext4 输入y 然后一路回车即可 输入blkid /dev/sda1...
Hi folks, perhaps you may help me... I use rclone from my Armbian box to access and to edit my Gemini capsule, the content is on a private Webdav directory my Email provider provides to me (it is not Boogle). The weird issue is that I can browse the remo
固件默认管理地址:默认用户:root默认密码:password 提供适配于 ARMv8 电视盒子、Rockchip 平台、树莓派以及 X86 平台设备的 OpenWrt 固件 Mini版Plus版 固件每天定时自动编译,以确保获得最新体验 集成部分常用有线、无线、3G / 4G 网卡驱动 集成中文版 netdata 实时监控插件,小白也能轻松看懂系统概况 集成...
Rclone/Fish: can't cd directories freezrreplied tofreezr's topic inSoftware, Applications, Userspace Upgrading to bookworm fixed the issue through a newer version of Fish... June 22, 2023 2 replies (Bookworm) Xscreensaver: XInput extension missing ...
Rclone ./debug rc Calibre ./debug cw calibre-web kcc LianHuanHua ./debug lhh 1w+ 某某分享 (知乎 + 头条) 某某全站 (号称7成连环画?) Docker ./debug dr traefik authelia mi-gpt gpt4free postgresql yq HAProxy ./debug ha static/dynamic linking pcre/zlib/lua/openssl/quictls ...
rclone sync minio:armbian/ /path/to/local/path/armbian/ Discussion forums are divided in sections: Technical support, Community forums and Development: https://forum.armbian.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/armbian Communicating rules Whether you’re a one-time contributor or trying to join a co...
1、安装Rclone #安装:curlhttps://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash#配置:rcloneconfig#创建一个挂载目录:mkdir-p wow 2、Rclone挂载多个GD盘 #第一步cat> /etc/systemd/system/rclone@.service <<EOF[Unit]Description=rclone mount %I driveAfter=network.target[Service]Type=simpleExecStart=/usr/bin/rcl...
标签:armbian Emby N1盒子搭载Armbian运行Emby媒体服务 在OpenWrt环境下运营Rclone+Docker+Emby,但NFS挂载NAS出现问题。憋了几天,特别郁闷,也不想全网搜解决小问题的办法,心想OpenWrt整不明白,Linux我会呀。于是,心一横,把N1刷成了Armbian服务器。痛快了!遂记录。
Rclone ./debug rc remote mount serve sync Calibre ./debug cw calibre-web kcc LianHuanHua ./debug lhh 1w+ 某某分享 (知乎 + 头条) 某某全站 (号称7成连环画?) Docker ./debug dr traefik authelia postgresql yq HAProxy ./debug ha static/dynamic linking pcre/zlib/lua/openssl/quictls ...
Rclone ├── Aria2 配置 ├── miniDLNA └── Transmission ├── VPN ├── N2N v2 VPN ├── SoftEther VPN 服务器 ├── OpenVPN 服务器 ├── PPTP VPN 服务器 ├── IPSec VPN 服务器 └── ZeroTier ├── 网络 ├── 接口 ├── DHCP/DNS ├── 主机名 ├── IP/MAC...