armbian-software: command not found 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你遇到的“armbian-software: command not found”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认用户环境配置是否正确 首先,确保你的用户环境配置是正确的。特别是$PATH环境变量,它决定了系统在哪些目录中查找可执行文件。 你可以通过以下命令查看当前的$...
KERNEL_VERSION='5.15.57' PACKAGED_DATE='2022-07-28' FDTFILE='meson-gxl-s905d-phicomm-n1.dtb' UBOOT_OVERLOAD='u-boot-n1.bin' MAINLINE_UBOOT='' ANDROID_UBOOT='/usr/lib/u-boot/u-boot-2015-phicomm-n1.bin' MYBOX_UBOOT='/usr/lib/u-boot/mybox-bootloader.img' SOC='s905d' K510='...
usr/lib/armbian-config/ line 839 dpkg-reconfigure : command not found EDIT:In armbian-...
Sadly the script is intended for CustomPiOS derived distros (such as Octopi). It isn't surprising that it does not work on Armbian. I don't own any devices that run Armbian so I can not provide any official support for them. If someone is able to come up with a ...
I have installedArmbian_22.02.1_Orangepizero_bullseye_current_5.15.25.img.xz. I started my OrangePi 0. I choseZSH(notBASH) I didUpdateandUpgrade. When trying to execute the command (as a normal user)build-essentialI get: orangepizero:~:% build-essential zsh: command not found: build-...
如果遇到command not found,补充安装一个必要的,用于分配ip/netmask/gateway/dns的工具 udhcpc. sudo apt update sudo apt install udhcpc 如果遇到: Warning: /etc/resolv.conf is not a symboliclinkto /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf` 这样做: // 比较这两个文件 ...
# 如果不安装i3status,进入桌面后右下角的bar会提示“Error:status_command not found or is missing a library dependency(exit 127)” # dmenu其实可以不安装,使用rofi替代 # --- # 这里需要先记住两个操作:i3wm默认热键($mod)为Alt键 # 打开终端:$mod + Enter # 关闭窗口:$mod + Shift + Q # 平铺...
看过我上周文章的朋友可能还记得,刚刚入手不过两个小时的N1盒子甚至还没有写开箱就被我刷成了砖,本来是第一篇的“N1盒子刷Armbian”迫不得已成了第二篇,不过值得庆祝的是,得益于翻车,终于顺利的把Armbian5.77刷入N1的那些坑全部总结完成。 N1盒子不拆机救砖,10分钟从ArmBian刷回原厂固件(站内首发) ...
Where is "the database"? and why have we an end0: device (and not and enx?) [EDIT] found how to add the eth0 to the database (on my otherSBCs is was already there). The command is: vnstat --add -i eth0 in the thread ...