armature winding machine 电枢绕组机 double winding armature 双绕组电枢 armature binder 电枢束带 armature chatter 衔铁振动 armature conductor 电枢导体 armature core 电枢铁芯,电枢芯,衔铁铁心 armature head 电枢端板 armature stroke 衔铁动程 相似...
aYou must select a Mailing Frequency if choose to receive the newsletter 您必须选择一个邮寄的频率,如果选择接受时事通讯[translate] aan armature winding wound in the slot of the armature core 电枢绕在电枢核心的槽孔受伤[translate]
An armature core having a plurality of bad assembly (10) in the armature coil wound around the coil winding machine includes an outer peripheral: a winding mold (20), which is provided with a means for introducing two coils grooves (12a) of the fixed mold (21) and an armature core ...
Ashort circuitdeviceis arrangedonanarmaturewindingofelectricpower generationof the fan-drivengenerator. 本实用新型在风力发电机的发电电枢绕组上装有短路装置。 3. Theinventionalsorelatestoanarmaturewindingwiringmethodof thegenerator. 本发明还涉及一种发电机电枢绕组接线法。
armature winding 电枢绕组相关短语 upside down mounting (集成电路组装的) 倒装 Wernicke's region (言语中枢) 韦尼克氏区 levamphetamine (中枢兴奋药) 左旋苯丙胺 reeving (由卷筒或滑轮绕出来的) 支索 azatadine maleate(抗组胺药) 马来酸哌吡庚啶 kaopaque (高岭土的主要组分) 高岭石 hard yarn package(卷...
core动— 去核动 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Use an impact wrench or wedge something between clutcharmature(25)and clutch housing to hold engine shaft during removal. 在拆卸过程中,用气动扳手或楔形物体在离合器电枢(25)和离合器外罩之间握住发动...
The armature winding machine has chucks with wire form or shrouds for guiding wire into selected slots in the armature core during the winding of the wire with the rotating flyers of the machine. The chucks are releasably mounted on supports so that they can be removed as a unit from the ...
: an armature having drum winding Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest dictionary...
A wire is wound in a plurality of core slots 15 on an armature core, and thereby a plurality of coils 18 is formed. In the case where each coil end portion of the coils is formed in a predetermined shape by a shaping-winding method, a coil end portion of a coil wound in each core...
CONSTITUTION:A two-pole coaxial armature winding is constituted by containing a coil in odd-numbered armature core grooves q per pole per phase. A coil end is formed by dividing numbers of coil ends 41, 42 of one core end into (q+1)/2 and (q-1)/2 per phase. The other side coil ...