Added: Support for allowedPreprocessFileExtensions parameter in Dedicated Server config file in order to make it impossible to read contents of files with an unlisted extension (security improvement for preprocessFile and preprocessFileLineNumbers script commands)Added: Support for mission white-listing ...
调整: load and loadAbs script commands can now take uniform / vest / backpack containers, vehicles, ammo boxes and weapon holders in addition to units as an argument - FT-T152952 调整: regexFind now does not print an error when startOffset is bigger than string length; it will now fail ...
Game Update: 1.50 (File Patching, Remote Script Execution, Animation Tweaks, AI Visibility Tweaks, Script Commands)
Added: Script commandsmissionProfileNamespace,saveMissionProfileNamespace,isMissionProfileNamespaceLoaded-FT-T163751 Added:getOpticsModeandsetOpticsModescripts commands -FT-T124258 Added: Error message when trying to upload a scenario to Steam Workshop that is too large -FT-T163783 ...
Added: New addForce and addTorque script commandsAdded: New vectorModelToWorld, vectorModelToWorldVisual, vectorWorldToModel, and vectorWorldToModelVisual script commandsAdded: A new "defaultUserMFDvalues" transport config variableAdded: A new "nvg" MFD conditionAdded: 'Malden DLC' and 'Malden ...
Added: Scripting commands: addMagazineGlobal, removeMagazineGlobal, addWeaponGlobal, removeWeaponGlobal Lock is now independent from zoom arma3server.exe has its own icon Player no longer chokes when swimming on the surface Optimization of the particle system ...
Windows: arma3.exe -server -config=server.cfg Linux: arma3server -config=server.cfg Headless Client to run Arma3 Headless Client use one of these commands:Windows: arma3server.exe -client -password=yourpass
The launch commands will get you into the ARMA3 Launcher. Unix didn't function for me. The mods and parameters are a bit glitchy in my experience, so use the same patience as you do in-game for ARMA. For inputting mod list HTMLs, manually import preset and do not drag and drop. ...
分类 Category:Data Types Debriefing T Arma 3 Task Enhancements Arma 3 Task Framework Arma 3 Tasks Overhaul U Arma 3 Unit Insignia Userconfig V Vehicle Customization (VhC) 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
I am running a 3rd parties script, but some functions are not working (e.g. Infistar) We have disabled some commands by default for better security. Check CfgDisabledCommands.hpp within your missionfile, if there are needed functions disabled (if so, remove it) ...