I have installed the library version 0.30.1. It's working fine on iOS with Xcode build, but I encounter the following issue when I run the yarn android command: Error Messages: Task :react-native-fast-opencv:configureCMakeDebug[arm64-v8a...
master 发送错误报错。错误报告最后被记入用户日志中。application master 会将此次任务尝试标记为 failed ...
-运行命令时npx react-native doctor显示如下。 ✓ Adb - Required to verify if the android device is attached correctly ✓ JDK - Required to compile Java code ✖ Android Studio - Required for building and installing your app on Android ✓ ANDROID_HOME - Environment variable that points to ...
解决“C/C++ release|arm64-v8a : Failed to compute build system.”问题 问题描述 在开发C/C项目时,有时会遇到以下错误信息:“C/Crelease|arm64-v8a : Failed to compute build system.”。这个错误通常发生在构建项目时,可能会导致项目无法成功编译和构建。 解决步骤 下面是解决这个问题的步骤,您可以按照...
CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get version from cmake.dir path 'D:\001_Programs\001_Android\002_Sdk\Sdk\cmake\'. 完整报错信息 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug] in project D:\002_Project\Application > Configure project :...
Execution failed for task ':app:generateJsonModelDebug'. > D:\002_Project\Application\app\src\main\cpp\CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get version from cmake.dir path 'D:\001_Programs\001_Android\002_Sdk\Sdk\cmake\'. ...
CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get version from cmake.dir path 'D:\001_Programs\001_Android\002_Sdk\Sdk\cmake\'. 完整报错信息 : Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug] in project D:\002_Project\Application> Configure project :appWarning: The 'kotlin-...
这样即使使用v8a的手机,也会执行v7a 里面的.so 文件 二、如何适配v8a的CPU,我刚开始想的是新增一个arm64-v8a目录,把v7a的.so文件移动过去即可,但是运行起来会报下面的错误 dlopen failed xxxxx is 32-bit instead of 64-bit dlopen failed:"/data/app/com.sandro.openalprsample-CVu3Ji7GuRM5MmCxZF2qlw=...
墨凡尘轩 武林高手 9 C/C++ 控制台可以运行 arm64-v8a在Application.mk 修改 APP_ABI := arm64-v8a #APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a在Android.mk include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)语句之前,添加下面ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),arm64-v8a)#更改so安装目录 NDK_APP_DST_DIR := ./libs/armeabi-v7aendif登录...