msr mdscr_el1, x1// access to the DCC from EL0 isb// Unmask debug exceptions now, enable_dbg// since this is per-cpu ---(2.5.3) reset_pmuserenr_el0 x1// Disable PMU access from EL0 关闭EL0访问PMU reset_amuserenr_el0 x1// Disable AMU access from EL0 关闭EL0访问AMU /* *...
"bic %0, %0, %2 \n" "mcr p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 0 \n" #endif :"+r"(tmpvar):"r"(0x81),"r"(0x28)); asm volatile( #ifdef __aarch64__ "msr pmcntenset_el0,%1 \n" "mrs %0,cntvct_el0\n" #else "mcr p15, 0, %1, c9, c12, 1 \n" "mrc p15, 0, %0, c...
在ARM64平台下,我们可以通过mrs指令来读取CNTVCT_EL0计时器来实现,具体实现如下。 原x86嵌汇编实现: #definerdtsc(low,high) \__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc":"=a"(low),"=d"(high)) 支持ARM64平台后的实现: #ifdefined(__aarch64__)#definerdtsc(var) \asmvolatile("mrs %0, CNTVCT_EL0":"=...
cnt=arch_timer_reg_read_stable(cntpct_el0); arch_counter_enforce_ordering(cnt); returncnt; } staticinlineu64arch_counter_get_cntvct(void) { u64cnt; isb(); returnarch_timer_reg_read_stable(cntvct_el0); cnt=arch_timer_reg_read_stable(cntvct_el0); ...
D13.8.26 CNTVCT_EL0, Counter-timer Virtual Count register 华为鲲鹏云 KBengine arm64编译攻关报告V1.1.pdf 736.26KB 下载次数:7次 【声明】本内容来自华为云开发者社区博主,不代表华为云及华为云开发者社区的观点和立场。转载时必须标注文章的来源(华为云社区)、文章链接、文章作者等基本信息,否则作者和本社区...
"mrs %0, cntvct_el0\n\t" "isb\n\t" : "=r"(ret)::"memory"); return ret; #else #error "Missing FencedRDTSC() implementation for target CPU architecture." #endif } #endif 39 changes: 29 additions & 10 deletions 39 src/core/address_space.cpp Original file line numberDiff line ...
TPIDR_EL0和TPIDRRO_EL0寄存器是两个具有不同访问权限的线程ID寄存器。 定时器寄存器 在Armv8中执行以下操作:使用CNTFRQ_EL0对系统计数器时钟频率进行读访问。 物理和虚拟计时器计数寄存器CNTPCT_EL0和CNTVCT_EL0。 物理向上计数比较、向下计数值和定时器控制寄存器CNTP_CVAL_EL0、CNTP_TVAL_EL0和CNTP_CTL_EL...
• Physical and virtual timer count registers, CNTPCT_EL0 and CNTVCT_EL0. • Physical up-count comparison, down-count value and timer control registers, CNTP_CVAL_EL0, CNTP_TVAL_EL0, and CNTP_CTL_EL0. • Virtual up-count comparison, down-count value and timer control registers,...
((0 & 7) << 0)); // op2 return _ReadStatusReg(pmccntr_el0); #else BLASULONG ret = 0; blasint shift; __asm__ __volatile__ ("isb; mrs %0,cntvct_el0":"=r"(ret)); __asm__ __volatile__ ("mrs %0,cntfrq_el0; clz %w0, %w0":"=&r"(shift)); return re...