ARM11错误 3..3ds 用b9s 破解的luma9.1fbi安装游戏的时候出现ARM11(core0)错误有的游戏就正常 请大神们看看什么原因 谢谢已解决 游戏改英文名就好啦 谢谢各位大大
ARM11报错,怎么..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,这是一个关于3DS ARM11报错的问题。ARM11是任天堂3DS的处理器型号之一。这个错误可能是由多种原因导致的。一般来说,当
3回复贴,共1页 <返回3ds破解吧为什么怪猎xx一用金手指就会出现ARM11core0的报错 取消只看楼主收藏回复 FIREKAInijago 围观群众 1 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-09-10 20:09回复 FIREKAInijago 围观群众 1 d 来自Android客户端2楼2024-09-10 21:22 回复 ...
Go through all the Single Player/Grand Prix process until the Events screen. When confirming, "an exception occurred" under Arm 11 (core 0). Dump file: commentedJun 23, 2024 Hello there, I am using the file0004000000033B00 Ridge Racer 3D (CTR-P-ARRP) (v0.0.0) (W).standard.ciawith ...
Processor : ARM11 (core 0) Exception type : data abort fault status : Translation - section (I think) I am new to not only the 3DS system but also to the Luma3DS stuff as well (my username is a coincidence). I followed the guide to install homebrew, and the latest version of the...
这是个难题..昨晚玩立体方块 太晚了就直接关了盖子待机 今天开机就显示这 ARM11 ...然后我进luma选中了最后一项(看着和这个有关)在开机就一卡一卡的 出这个如图 (之前玩游戏偶尔也会出ARM11..
5回复贴,共1页 <返回3ds破解吧请问大佬9.1版本,错误arm(core11)怎么解决?吧里没 只看楼主收藏回复 妄语程 默默无闻 4 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-12-21 15:04回复 妄语程 默默无闻 4 吧里我没搜到解决办法,加上由于本人英语不太行,gut上难问 来自Android客户端2楼2019-12-21 15:05...
Processor: ARM11 (core 1) Exception type: undefined instruction Current process: pm (0000000000000000) Attach a picture with more info (sorry for low light level): More interesting info: Luma3DS configuration/options: Screen brightness: 4(X) ...
Hi Guy. I hope somebody can fix this problem. I have a NEW 3DS XL (US), the Arm9 was setuped on this system, i'm use luma 5.5, it still work, after that i update via Arm9loader.bin form luma 6.6, the screen is black and stuck at this ste...