Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) is a reference implementation of secure world software forArm A-Profile architectures(Armv8-A and Armv7-A), including an Exception Level 3 (EL3)Secure Monitor. It provides a suitable starting point for productization of secure world boot and runtime firmware, in eit...
documentation: Arm TrustZone explained: trustedfirmware:
ARM Trusted Firmware provides a reference implementation of secure world software forARMv8-A, including aSecure Monitorexecuting at Exception Level 3 (EL3). It implements various ARM interface standards, such as the Power State Coordination Interface (PSCI), Trusted Board Boot Requirements (TBBR, AR...
Documentation contentsThe Trusted Firmware-A Documentation Contents page contains an overview of the documentation that is available, with links to facilitate easier browsing.IRC channelDevelopment discussion takes place on the #trusted-firmware-a channel on the Freenode IRC network. This is not an ...
ARM Trusted Firmware Clone - This is a mirror of the ATF public repo. Scott (ITS) Allen aboutsummaryrefslogtreecommitdiffstatsdiff options context: space: mode: Diffstat -rw-r--r-- docs/change-log.rst 671 1 files changed, 670 insertions, 1 deletions diff --git a/docs/change-log...
firmware-design.rst index.rst interrupt-framework-design.rst psci-pd-tree.rst reset-design.rst trusted-board-boot-build.rst trusted-board-boot.rst design_documents getting_started perf plat process resources security_advisories threat_model tools Makefile global_substitutions.txt...
我们都知道armv8将异常等级分为el0 - el3,其中,el3为安全监控器,为了实现对它的支持,arm公司设计了一种firmware叫做ATF(ARM Trusted firmware),下面是atf源码readme.rst文件的一段介绍: Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world ...
我们都知道armv8将异常等级分为el0 - el3,其中,el3为安全监控器,为了实现对它的支持,arm公司设计了一种firmware叫做ATF(ARM Trusted firmware),下面是atf源码readme.rst文件的一段介绍: TrustedFirmware-A(TF-A)providesareferenceimplementationofsecureworldsoftwarefor`Armv7-AandArmv8-A`_,includinga`SecureMonito...
ATF层:Linux kernel中发起的操作,会经过电源状态协调接口(Power StateCoordination Interface,简称PSCI),由操作系统无关的framework(ARM Trusted Firmware,简称ATF)做相关的处理后,通过系统控制与管理接口(System Control and Management Interface,简称SCMI),向系统控制处理器(system controlprocessor,简称SCP)发起低功耗操作...
我们都知道armv8将异常等级分为el0 - el3,其中,el3为安全监控器,为了实现对它的支持,arm公司设计了一种firmware叫做ATF(ARM Trusted firmware),下面是atf源码readme.rst文件的一段介绍: Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world ...