After completing this module, you'll be able to: Convert JSON ARM templates to Bicep. Create Bicep definitions for your existing Azure resources. Verify template conversions by using the what-if operation and documentation. Start Add Add to Collections ...
了解如何通过使用 Azure 资源管理器模板(ARM 模板)或 Bicep 创建 Microsoft Defender for Cloud 自动化来触发逻辑应用,该应用将由特定的 Defender for Cloud 警报触发。
将以下示例保存为 azuredeploy.bicep: JSON {"$schema":"","contentVersion":"","parameters": {"location": {"type":"string","defaultValue":"eastus","metadata": {"description":"Location"} },"domain": ...
若要建立 Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs 資源,請將下列 Bicep 新增至範本。 Bicep resourcesymbolicname'Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs@2022-02-01'= {location:'string'name:'string'properties: {description:'string'displayName:'string'metadata:any(Azure.Bicep.Types.Concrete.AnyType)}tags: { {customized...
To get started evaluating ARM templates and Terraform, install the following on your machine: Microsoft Visual Studio Code and the Azure Resource ManagerTemplate Extensionfor Visual Studio Code; Terraform and Azure PowerShell -- the Azure Cloud Shell interactive shell has both pre-installed; and ...
To take advantage of the best experience for deploying to Azure with infrastructure-as-code, we recommend switching to Bicep. Please note, that while this VS Code extension is in maintenance mode, ARM Template deployments as a whole are still fully supported and new features are still being ...
We are excited to announce a new implementation of our GitHub Action for Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployments! To improve the deployment and management of Azure resources, we’ve launchedazure/bicep-deploy, which supports both Bicep and ARM templates, along with first-party Deployment Stacks ...
若要创建 Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices 资源,请将以下 Bicep 添加到模板。 Bicep 复制 resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices@2024-05-01' = { extendedLocation: { name: 'string' type: 'string' } location: 'string' name: 'string' properties: { autoApproval: { subscriptio...
Bicep 檔案描述 使用主控方案和 Azure WebApp App Service 環境 在現有的虛擬網路中建立具有 ILB 位址的 App Service Environment v2,以便私下使用。 App Service 環境將包含主控方案和 Azure Web 應用程式 App Service 快速入門 - Linux 應用程式 此範本可與 /azure/app-service/quickstart-arm-template 搭配使用 ...
该暂存资源组将具有添加到它的以下标记:usedBy、imageTemplateName、imageTemplateResourceGroupName。 不会删除预先存在的标记。 重要 尝试使用 Windows 源映像将预先存在的资源组和 VNet 指定到 Azure 映像生成器服务时,需要为与 Azure 映像生成器第一方应用对应的服务主体分配资源组的参与者角色。 有关如何分配资源...