splint n. férula, tablilla, soporte de madera, metal, plástico, vidrio de fibra o yeso usado para dar apoyo, inmovilizar un hueso fracturado o proteger una parte del cuerpo. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 splint n (basic) tablilla, (manufactured, with straps, etc....
rxvt-unicode-9.15p0.tgz 1.3 MiB 2012-Sep-19 19:51 splint-3.1.2.tgz 1.3 MiB 2012-Aug-23 08:09 dynagen-0.11.0p3.tgz 1.3 MiB 2012-Aug-04 10:24 opensc-0.11.13p0.tgz 1.3 MiB 2012-Sep-14 11:38 xchat-2.8.8p1.tgz 1.3 MiB...
Place a splint above and below the break to help stabilize it until you can get medical treatment.[6] You can use a variety of items to make a splint including rolled up newspaper or towels. Either tape or wrap a sling around your arm to hold the splints in place. Padding on the ...