目前,ARM构架处理器普遍使用5nm~7nm制程工艺制造,这样才可以装进手机、平板电脑这一类空间极为有限的设备中;而X86构架处理器一般都应用在笔记本电脑、台式机电脑上,功耗和散热的要求相比要“低”不少,一般而言都是7nm~10nm的制程工艺就足够应对了。 2、异构计算 ARM架构处理器的异构计算曾经是一大杀手锏,性能核与功...
X86是Intel、AMD乃至VIA采用的复杂指令集构架,后期Intel为了在64位上先人一步,推出了并不兼容X86的IA-64构架(由Intel和HP共同开发设计),同样也是复杂指令集下的产物。只不过,步伐迈得太大了——IA-64并不兼容X86的32位,只能靠模拟器的方式执行32位程序,因此只在安腾(Itanium处理器)上使用。 现在通常讲的X86,其...
先说小结论:「X86做不到ARM的功耗,ARM做不到X86的性能」 要区别Arm架构和X86架构,这就涉及到CPU的软硬件分层的关键——指令集架构。复习一下这张图。 有了指令集架构,就演化出两类——复杂指令集CISC( X86)…
**x86** and **ARM** are two different types of processor architectures that have different ...
Let’s dive into the performance of the ARMv8 port, because the server market is where performance matters most. To make a valid comparison, it is important to find x86- and Arm-based server equivalents. Luckily, the Cavium ThunderX2 ARMv8 CPU line provides a processor that’s comparable ...
解读CPU架构:X86、ARM、MIPS、IRSC-V、CISC CPU发挥“大脑”的功能,负责数据的处理和运算, CPU 与GPU、内存、硬盘和网卡间并不能直接通信,需要通过内存控制芯片、 PCIe 控制芯片和 I/O 处理芯片等实现,这类通信协调芯片构成主板上的“芯片组”,芯片组通过各类不同总线( PCIe 总线、 USB 总线和 SPI总线等)与...
processor should behave in response to certain instructions, and how these instructions should be encoded. For example, if you were to add two integers together in the EAX and EDX registers, x86-32 dictates that this would be equivalent to 01d0 in hexadecimal. In response to this instruction,...
Traditionally, the Windows operating system is run on devices supported by Intel-based processors, with most Windows apps built to support an x86 or x64-based architecture.We're seeing Arm-based devices become increasingly popular, however, due to their pow...
The most significant difference between x86_64 and ARM is their instruction sets. An instruction set is a set of commands that a processor can execute. These commands are encoded in binary and are specific to each architecture. x86_64 and ARM have very different instruction sets, which means ...